Monday, March 21, 2011

Activating This One Again

En Shi Yu Lu Tea - Wonderful Taste to Help With Writing

Once upon a time, I was using this blog to follow my writing. After that, it served several purposes, and now it will go back to the original thing - except that I'll be using it to follow my writing in English, since I already have this one to follow it in Serbian.

My today's good deed, while drinking tea and preparing some lunch and trying not to feel too bad, was writing a review of Robin McKinley's beautiful novel Sunshine, and posting it at Suite101. So, if you're in a mood for a beautiful novel with vampires who are not sexy and don't sparkle, if you love intelligent prose and captivating relationships in a fantasy novel, go read about Sunshine. And about a vampire who loved Sunshine.

And I'll think about making some more wonderful tea.

Oh, and you can also read this recipe for the yummy tzatziki sauce.


Samantha Sotto said...

Hi, Ivana! Sunshine definitely sounds like an interesting book. I'll check it out now. Thanks for sharing! (And enjoy your tea and writing!) :D


angel011 said...

Wow, the very first comment! Thanks! I hope you'll enjoy Sunshine. :)